Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fun Quizzes for Bookluvers

The blogosphere is full of these fun little quizzes for book lovers (or anyone) and I've com across a few that sparked my interest. These are quite fun to take and be sure to leave a comment telling me what you "are" after you take the quizzes!

The Steampunk Style Test
If first took this quiz on Ramblings of a Bibliophile's blog to get extra points for her [past] contest for steampunk book, Boneshaker by Cheir Priest. Which steampunk style are you? I turned out to be The Explorer! Cool picture, huh?

Flower Quiz

Amy Brecount White (author of Forget-Her-Not) tweeted this quiz this morning asking us what kind of flower are we. I'm an iris how about you?
"The legend goes that when an ancient king found himself trapped between a river and the enemy, he cleverly used irises growing in the river as a guide to safety across the shallowest part of the river. Perhaps this is why the iris is now considered to be an emblem of wisdom. You are a rational and observant person, and therefore are an excellent problem-solver. You enjoy learning about how things work and often prefer to work alone. Independent, analytical, and a lover of learning, you stand out for your competence and intelligence."

The Jane Austen Heroine Quiz
I think I've taken this quiz a few times and I always turn out to be either Maryanne Dashwood or Elinor Dashwood from Sense & Sensibility. What about you?

Know of anymore fun, quirky quizzes? Let tell me about 'em, I'd love to know!



Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

I love quizzes like this!

I took the flower quiz and got a Sunflower. Which happens to be my favorite. :)

The only other quiz that I've come across (that I remember) is the "Book Personality Quiz" over here.

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

The Steampunk quiz looks cool. Thanks for these links!

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

Psst! I have an award for you

Nina said...

Thanks for these fun quizes. They are enjoyable. :)

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