Monday, February 15, 2010

I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder

Ava can't see or touch him, unless she's dreaming. She can't heart his voice, except for the faint whispers in her mind. Most would think she's crazy, but she knows he's here. Jackson. The boy Ava thought she'd spend the rest of her life with. He's back from the dead, as proof that love truly knows no bounds. - book cover
My first novel in verse was Song of the Sparrows by Lisa Sandell. Oh, how I loved the idea of how it looked like a poem, but didn't rhyme. How it was fun and fast to read, yet it was poetic just the same. I Heart You is my second novel in verse. Now this book is a lot closer to an actual poem. Each page has a heading and a short scene of what Ava is feeling or doing.
I must say it was hard to put down, and for a moment, just one eerie moment, I thought Jackson--her deceased boyfriend--would never leave her alone! Like it was a knock-off of Rebecca or something. As I read on, it turns out it wasn't Jackson's intension to haunt her. The only thing that I felt that I didn't care for with this book is the headings above each verse. It kind of slowed you down because you just want to keep flipping the pages and not stop and read the heading; other than that though, it is a great read. Schroeder has written two novels in verse since I Heart You: Far From You and Chasing Brooklyn which was released last month (Jan.). Reluctant readers would find this novel "easy to read" and perfect read in between school hours, so make sure your library has a copy!

|Pages: 226|Published: 2008|Publisher: Simon & Schuster (Pulse)|
|Genre: Teen romance, ghost stories, novels in verse|
|Age Group: YA, ages 13+|Content: Some sensuality|
|Buy or Borrow? Borrow, not exactly something you'd read again|
|Enjoyed It: 4/5|Content: 4/5|Cover: 5/5|



Unknown said...

Great review! I really enjoyed this, as well. It's definitely a good taste of novels in verse.

Morgan said...

I've heard a lot of great things about this book and really want to read it. You seemed to have liked it too, great review!

Cindy said...

I've wanted to read this for such a long time! I'm glad you liked it :)

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